Southwest Province,
Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc.
Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc. Instructions for Chapters to File Taxes
Chapter with Gross Receipts Totaling <$50,000 Annually
An IRS Form 990-N e-postcard must be filled annually even if you brought in $0.00
This form may only be submitted electronically. No paper form is available.
Chapters may choose to complete Form 990 or Form 990-EZ instead of the e-postcard
Each Province should follow the same directions for chapters to file taxes using their own Employer Identification Number (EIN)
Form 990-N is due by the 15th day of the 5th month after the close of the Chapter’s tax year
Most tax years close on a calendar year unless otherwise stated in an organization’s by- laws. If unsure, you can call the IRS to verify your tax year
If your tax year ends on December 31 – Taxes are due May 15th annually
There is no penalty for late filing but if taxes are not filed for three consecutive years then the Chapter will automatically lose tax-exempt status
Revocation of the Chapter’s tax-exempt status will happen on the filing due date of the third consecutively missed year.
Watch this IRS YouTube presentation for more information
The Form 990-N e-postcard must be submitted electronically
Please note that as of February 29, 2016 the link to submit this form has changed
The form is now hosted by the IRS, not the Urban Institute.
The old link ( is no longer active.
All form 990-N users will be required to register before completing the form.
Registration is required even for previous users with Urban Institute.
This is a one-time registration. You won’t need to register each year
Directions for filing Form 990-N e-postcard
To file Form 990-N e-postcard
First time users must register and create a User ID and Profile o To Create a User ID
Step 4: The User ID has been created, note no actions are required for this step
Step 3: Create a User ID, Password, Unique Phrase, Site Phrase, Site Image and four challenge questions.
Don’t forget to record the choices in the Chapter records for future use
Step 2: Enter the confirmation code sent to the entered email address
Step 1: Complete Name and E-mail address fields
Best to use the chapter email
Select ‘Get Started’ under First Time Users
First Time Filing - Create the e-Postcard Profile and File the e-Postcard
Select ‘Manage E-Postcard Profile’ under e-Postcard Profile
Select ‘Exempt Organization’
Add the Chapter Employer Identification Number (EIN)
Select ‘Create New Filing’
From the drop down menu, select the Chapter EIN
Enter the date for the end of the Tax Year and the Organization Name
If an e-Postcard has ever been previously submitted, the fields ‘For Tax Year Ending’ and ‘Organization Name’ are already entered based on previous returns
Answer No to the question ‘Has your organization terminated or gone out of business’
Answer Yes or No to the question ‘Are your gross receipts normally $50,000 or less’
If you answer No, then Form 990 or Form 990-EZ must be completed NOT the Form 990-N e-postcard
Complete the information for Organization Name and Principal Officer
Recommended to use the school address for collegiate chapters
Enter any additional information in the DBA Name field (Doing Business As)
Enter the Chapter Name if not already part of the legal name
Enter the Chapter web-site address if applicable
Entered information may be Saved or Submitted
Print a copy of the on-screen confirmation that the e-Postcard was submitted
The filing may be confirmed by selecting ‘Manage Form 990-N Submissions’ on the initial page
Under Submission Status the updated filing status may be noted
Filing the e-Postcard for Returning Users
Enter User ID
Verify the site image and site phrase are accurate and enter password
Review recent login activity, select ‘Continue’
Select ‘Manage E-Postcard Profile’ under e-Postcard Profile
Select ‘Create New Filing’
From the drop down menu, select the Chapter EIN
Verify the ‘For Tax Year Ending’ and ‘Organization Name’ fields are accurate
Answer No to the question ‘Has your organization terminated or gone out of business’
Answer Yes or No to the question ‘Are your gross receipts normally $50,000 or less’
If you answer No, then Form 990 or Form 990-EZ must be completed NOT the Form 990-N e-postcard
Complete the information for Organization Name and Principal Officer
Enter any additional information in the DBA Name field (Doing Business As)
Enter the Chapter Name if not already part of the legal name " Enter Chapter web-site address if applicable
Entered information may be Saved or Submitted
Print a copy of the on-screen confirmation that the e-Postcard was submitted
The filing may be confirmed by selecting ‘Manage Form 990-N Submissions’ on the initial page
Under Submission Status the updated filing status may be noted
Items needed to complete the e-postcard
Employer identification number (EIN)
Contact the Central Office or Grand Counselor if you do not know the Chapter’s EIN
Each Chapter must have an EIN.
Do NOT use the Tax ID # for Kappa Psi nationally
If the chapter does not have an EIN see below for information on obtaining one
Tax year
Calendar tax year – January 1 to December 31
Fiscal tax year – 12 consecutive months ending on the last day of any month except December
The Chapter’s tax year may be found in the following documents
Chapter local ordinances
Chapter’s application for federal tax-exempt status
A copy of a prior year return filed with the IRS
Legal name and mailing address
Recommend using the Grand Council Deputy (GCD) name and school address (for collegiate chapters)
Legal names as it appears on Certification of Incorporation (Charter) or on the organization’s application for federal tax exempt status
Please use Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity (Chapter Name)
Any other names the organization uses
DBA Name = Doing Business As Name
If the Chapter Name was not used as part of the Legal Name on previous returns add it here
Name and address of a principal officer
Recommend to use the GCD name and school address for Collegiate Chapters o Web site address if the organization has one
Only use a Chapter web-site NOT the International web-site
Confirmation that the organization’s annual gross receipts are $50,000 or less
For more information
Form 990-N and Form 990-EZ filing tips presentation
For all questions call Customer Account Services at 1-877-829-5500
Chapter with Gross Receipts Totaling >$50,000 Annually
The Chapter is not eligible to use the IRS Form 990-N e-postcard
Form 990-N or 990-EZ must be filed
It may be best to consult an accountant when gross receipts exceed $50,000
Apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) Online
Step 1: Click “Begin Application”
Step 2: Check “View Additional Types Including Tax-Exempt and Gov’t Org” and click Continue
Step 3: Check “Other Non-Profit/Tax-Exempt Organizations” and click Continue
Step 4: To confirm selection please click Continue
Step 5: Check “Banking Purposes” and click “Continue”
Step 6: Check “Individual” and click “Continue”
Step 7: Enter pertinent individual name, check “Authorized Member or Officer”, and click “Continue”
Step 8: Enter mailing address and individual name to receive mail and click “Continue”
Step 9: Under legal name state Kappa Psi and Chapter name for example: “Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity Idaho Graduate Chapter”, fill in the rest of the information, and click “Continue”. If this is not done, then the name may already be in the system and will be denied.
Step 10: Check the appropriate responses (usually No) and click “Continue”
Step 11: For what does the business or org do, check “Other” and click “Continue”
Step 12: Check “Organization” and click “Continue”
Step 13: When asked to define Other, check “Other” and state “Fraternal society” then click “Continue”
Step 14: Check receive confirmation online and click “Continue” (needs Adobe)
Step 15: In a few minutes the EIN should pop up. Please make sure you open the document and print this out IMMEDIATELY to avoid losing it and save for your records. Click “Continue”.
Step 16: Click “Continue” and it should be completed
Search for the Chapter’s E-Postcard to Verify it was Filed
Click “Exempt Organizations Select Check Tool”
Select “Have filed Form 990-N (e-Postcard)
Enter the Chapter EIN and click search
Look for a filing under the current tax year
Search for the Chapter’s Full 990 or 990EZ to Verify it was Filed
Enter the Chapter EIN into the search field
Click on Organization Name which will show details of the organization or click “Preview Report”
The years in which 990 Forms were completed will be listed in the Preview
To view the forms directly, an account must be created
Obtain Tax-Exempt Status
Contact the Grand Counselor ( to write a group exemption letter
Provide SS-4 form (or Chapter EIN and Address) along with principle officer listed with IRS on original application form
Chapter must mail this in to the IRS
Takes about 6-8 weeks for them to process
Reinstate Tax-Exempt Status
If the chapter doesn’t file a 990-N, 990-EZ or 990-N e-postcard at least once every three years, tax- exempt status is automatically revoked
A reinstatement can be requested (for a fee) by following the instructions found on the IRS website
If desired the chapter can also request retroactive restoration. However, this request will only be granted if the IRS determines there was reasonable cause for not filing an annual return for three consecutive years
Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ - Automatic Exemption Revocation for Non-Filing