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October 2019 Motivational Monday

Here's a recap of your Motivational Mondays for October!

October 7th, 2019


Happy Monday. Here is your weekly dose of motivation.

"If I can see further, that is because I stand on shoulders of giants" Isaac Newton once said this.

But that is not us. With Kappa Psi, we are not trained to climb on anyone's shoulders. We are taught how to become giants ourselves. A giant that people can depend on. A giant that people will look up to, and grow from. Humbly and proudly, we welcome any challenges that come our way.

That is who we are.

So raise your chin high, pound on your chest, and tell the world with pride: "We are Kappa Psi"

In the meantime, the season of red carnation begins on our campus.

- Brother Dieu Dao


October 14th, 2019

Good morning SWP!

“You may delay, but time will not.” ― Benjamin Franklin

Procrastination can lead to more stress and a lack of confidence in your work. Make a plan to use your time effectively this week and you’ll be amazed at how much more you’re able to accomplish! #MotivationalMonday

P.S. Safe travels to everyone headed to Albuquerque this weekend for Province!


October 21st, 2019

Good morning!

“Sometimes we’re tested not to show our weaknesses, but to discover our strengths.” – Unknown

Do not give up during tough times. These situations can reveal our strength and teach us better ways of dealing with adversity. Although difficult, you will be glad that you persevered. #MotivationalMonday

Thank you Ahmaya Mustafa for this opportunity!

- Brother Danielle Callaway


October 28th, 2019

Good morning SWP!

"Good things come to people who wait, but better things come to those who go out and get them." --Anonymous

Every day brings new opportunities, so don't miss out by not going for what you want. Instead, seize the day by actively pursuing your dreams! #MotivationalMonday

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