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December 2019 Motivational Mondays

Here's a recap of your Motivational Mondays for December!

December 2nd, 2019

Good afternoon SWP!

"Never let what somebody else says distract you from your goals.” – Michelle Obama

Everyone is not going to understand or support the vision you have for yourself. Don't let that deter you from going after the things you truly want. Even if no one believes in you, you should always believe in yourself! #MotivationalMonday


December 9th, 2019

Good morning SWP!

“Procrastination makes easy things hard, hard things harder.” – Mason Cooley

It’s finals season! Finish the semester strong by using your time efficiently. Avoid making studying harder by waiting until the last minute. Set yourself up for success by making a study plan and sticking to it. Good luck on finals everyone


December 16th, 2019

Good morning SWP!

"Time spent in reflection is time never wasted." -Paul TP Wong

Congratulations on finishing the semester! During your break, I encourage you to reflect on the past semester. Identify what worked for you and where you can improve. By doing this, you'll be able to hit next semester running. #MotivationalMonday


December, 23rd, 2019

Good morning SWP!

“Love the giver more than the gift.” – Brigham Young

Happy Holidays! I hope y’all receive gifts you love, but even if you don’t, always remember to be appreciative. Be thankful someone thought about you and used their time and/or money to get something for you! #MotivationalMonday


December 30th, 2019

Good morning SWP!

“Progress, not perfection, is what we should be asking of ourselves.” -Julia Cameron

Around this time many of us are thinking of New Year’s resolutions to improve in 2020. When setting your resolutions, don’t be afraid to go big or try something new, and most importantly don’t fear failure. Remember growth comes through progress, not perfection :) #MotivationalMonday

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